View Javadoc
1 /*
2 * Title: S/MIME Project
3 * Description: S/MIME email sending capabilities
4 * @author Vladimir Radisic
5 * @Version 2.0.1
6 */
9 package org.webdocwf.util.smime.cms;
12 import org.webdocwf.util.smime.exception.SMIMEException;
13 import org.webdocwf.util.smime.der.DERSequencePr;
14 import org.webdocwf.util.smime.der.DERObjectIdentifier;
17 /***
18 * Attribute class is super class for all DER encoded attributes represented in
19 * ASN.1 notation according to RFC2630. Attributes are implemented in CMSSignedObject
20 * which is used in designing signed messages. <BR>
21 * <BR>
22 * <DL>
23 * Attribute ::= SEQUENCE {<BR>
25 * <DD> attrValues SET OF AttributeValue }<BR>
26 * </DL>
27 * <BR>
28 * AttributeValue ::= ANY<BR>
29 */
30 public class Attribute extends DERSequencePr {
32 /***
33 * Indicator for presence detection of attribute's value
34 */
35 private int valueIndicator = 0;
37 /***
38 * This constructor has two different forms, depend on parameter typeConstruction0,
39 * which can be: DOT_SEPARATED_ARRAY or NAME_STRING. If typeConstruction0 parameter
40 * is DOT_SEPARATED_ARRAY then id0 definition is represented by numbers separated
41 * with dots (example: "1.2.840.113549.1.9.4"). In case of NAME_STRING, id0
42 * definition is name of object identifier for attribute (example: "ID_MESSAGEDIGEST").
43 * @param id0 defines Object Identifier in representation determined by second
44 * parameter - typeConstruction0.
45 * @param typeOfAttribute0 can take values DOT_SEPARATED_ARRAY and NAME_STRING
46 * @exception SMIMEException if wrong type of parameters are passed to the
47 * constructor. Also, it can be thrown from super class constructor or its
48 * addContent method.
49 */
50 public Attribute(String id0, String typeOfAttribute0) throws SMIMEException {
51 DERObjectIdentifier temp = new DERObjectIdentifier(id0, typeOfAttribute0); // Finding apropriate identifier
53 this.addContent(temp.getDEREncoded()); // Adding identifier to Attribute
54 }
56 /***
57 * Array of numbers is used for construction of desired attribute's DER Object
58 * Identifier. Every number in array represents one number between dots in
59 * object identifier string.
60 * @param arrayID0 array of given numbers (example: for ID_MESSAGEDIGEST
61 * attributes, numbers are 1, 2, 840, 113549, 1, 9 and 4).
62 * @exception SMIMEException if wrong type of parameters are passed to the
63 * constructor. Also, it can be thrown from super class constructor or its
64 * addContent method.
65 */
66 public Attribute(int[] arrayID0) throws SMIMEException {
67 DERObjectIdentifier temp = new DERObjectIdentifier(arrayID0); // Finding apropriate identifier
69 this.addContent(temp.getDEREncoded()); // Adding identifier to Attribute
70 }
72 /***
73 * Adding value to defined DER encoded attribute
74 * @param parameter0 byte array representation of attribute value
75 * @exception SMIMEException thrown from super class addContent method.
76 */
77 public void addContent(byte[] parameter0) throws SMIMEException {
78 super.addContent(parameter0);
79 valueIndicator++;
80 }
82 /***
83 * Returns DER encoded attribute
84 * @return DER encoded Attribute as byte array
85 * @exception SMIMEException if no value was added to attribute. Also, it can
86 * be thrown from super class getDEREncoded method.
87 */
88 public byte[] getDEREncoded() throws SMIMEException {
89 if (valueIndicator == 0)
90 throw new SMIMEException(this, 1017);
91 return super.getDEREncoded();
92 }
94 }
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