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1 /*
2 * Title: S/MIME Project
3 * Description: S/MIME email sending capabilities
4 * @Author Vladimir Radisic
5 * @Version 2.0.1
6 */
9 package org.webdocwf.util.smime.der;
12 import org.webdocwf.util.smime.exception.SMIMEException;
13 import org.webdocwf.util.smime.exception.ErrorStorage;
16 /***
17 * DERObjectIdentifier is primitive type of DER encoded object which represents
18 * Object Identifier type in ASN.1 notation. A value (distinguishable from all
19 * other such values) which is associated with an information object. For
20 * example object identifier for RSA algorithm is 1.2.840.113549.1.1.1.
21 * Implemented object identifiers are stored in class IdentifierStorage.
22 */
23 public class DERObjectIdentifier extends DERObject {
25 /***
26 * This constructor has two different forms, depend on parameter typeConstruction0,
27 * which can be: DOT_SEPARATED_ARRAY or NAME_STRING. If typeConstruction0 parameter
28 * is DOT_SEPARATED_ARRAY then id0 definition is represented by numbers separated
29 * with dots (example: "1.2.840.113549.1.1.1"). In the case of NAME_STRING, id0
30 * definition is name of object identifier (example: "RSA").
31 * @param id0 defines Object Identifier in representation determined by the
32 * second parameter - typeConstruction0.
33 * @param typeConstruction0 can take values DOT_SEPARATED_ARRAY and NAME_STRING
34 * @exception SMIMEException if wrong type of parameters are passed to the
35 * constructor. Also, exception could be thrown in super class constructor or
36 * in super class addContent method.
37 */
38 public DERObjectIdentifier(String id0, String typeConstruction0) throws SMIMEException {
39 super(6);
40 byte[] contentID; // For storing content of ID identifiers byte string
42 if (typeConstruction0.equalsIgnoreCase("DOT_SEPARATED_ARRAY")) // Construction with dot separated string of numbers
43 {
44 int[] temp;
45 int[] dotPosition;
46 int j = -1, i = 0;
48 do // Counting number of dots to find out how many integers will contain Object Identificator string
49 {
50 j = id0.indexOf('.', j + 1);
51 i++;
52 }
53 while (j != -1);
54 if (i == 1)
55 throw new SMIMEException(this, 1008);
56 temp = new int[i];
57 dotPosition = new int[i - 1];
58 i = 0;
59 j = -1;
60 do // Filling dot position
61 {
62 j = id0.indexOf('.', j + 1);
63 if (j != -1)
64 dotPosition[i] = j;
65 i++;
66 }
67 while (j != -1);
68 temp[0] = Integer.decode(id0.substring(0, dotPosition[0])).intValue(); // First number in Identificator object string
69 temp[temp.length - 1] = Integer.decode(id0.substring(dotPosition[dotPosition.length - 1] + 1)).intValue(); // Last number in Identificator object string
70 for (i = 1; i != temp.length - 1; i++)
71 temp[i] = Integer.decode(id0.substring(dotPosition[i - 1] + 1, dotPosition[i])).intValue(); // Numbers between first and last number in Identificator object string
72 contentID = formatID(temp);
73 super.addContent(contentID); // Formating DER value of Object identificator
74 } else if (typeConstruction0.equalsIgnoreCase("NAME_STRING")) {
75 contentID = formatID(IdentifierStorage.getID(id0.toUpperCase()));
76 super.addContent(contentID); // Formating DER value of Object identificator
77 } else
78 throw new SMIMEException(this, 1009);
79 }
81 /***
82 * Array of numbers is used for construction of DERObjectIdentifier. Every number in
83 * array represents one number between dots in the object identifier string.
84 * @param arrayID0 array of given numbers (example: for RSA algorithm those
85 * numbers are 1, 2, 840, 113549, 1, 1, and 1).
86 * @exception SMIMEException if wrong type of parameters are passed to the
87 * constructor. Also, exception could be thrown in super class constructor or
88 * in super class addContent method.
89 */
90 public DERObjectIdentifier(int[] arrayID0) throws SMIMEException {
91 super(6);
92 super.addContent(formatID(arrayID0));
93 }
95 /***
96 * Creats Object Identifier octet string from discret number identifiers
97 * @param id0 array of defined numbers for defined Object Identifier
98 * @return Byte array representation of the DER encoded content of the Object
99 * Identifier
100 * @exception SMIMEException in case that unknown type of object identifier is
101 * submited to constructors dealing with DOT_SEPARATED_ARRAY and NAME_STRING.
102 * Also, it can be caused by non SMIMEException which is:
103 * UnsupportedEncodingException.
104 */
105 private byte[] formatID(int[] id0) throws SMIMEException {
106 int[] temp = new int[id0.length - 1];
107 String s = new String();
108 byte[] returnByteArray = null;
110 if (id0[0] == -1)
111 throw new SMIMEException(this, 1010);
112 temp[0] = 40 * id0[0] + id0[1]; // First byte is constructed from the first and second discret numbers (that`s a rule)
113 for (int i = 2; i != id0.length; i++)
114 temp[i - 1] = id0[i];
115 try {
116 for (int i = 0; i != temp.length; i++) {
117 int j = 1; // j: Number of required bits for particular element of array "temp"
119 for (int a = 1; (a * 2) <= temp[i]; j++) // Counting number of required bits
120 a = a * 2;
121 j = (int) Math.ceil((double) j / 7); // j: Number of required bytes for particular element of array "temp"
122 byte[] tempElement = new byte[j];
124 for (j = tempElement.length - 1; j >= 0; j--) {
125 tempElement[j] = (byte) ((temp[i] >> (7 * (tempElement.length - 1 - j))) & 0x7F);
126 if (j != (tempElement.length - 1))
127 tempElement[j] = (byte) (tempElement[j] | (0x80));
128 }
129 s = s.concat(new String(tempElement, "ISO-8859-1"));
130 }
131 returnByteArray = s.getBytes("ISO-8859-1");
132 } catch (Exception e) {
133 throw SMIMEException.getInstance(this, e, "formatID");
134 }
135 return returnByteArray;
136 }
137 }
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