View Javadoc
1 /*
2 * Title: S/MIME Project
3 * Description: S/MIME email sending capabilities
4 * @Author Vladan Obradovic
5 * @Version 2.0.1
6 */
9 package org.webdocwf.util.smime.crypto;
12 import;
13 import javax.crypto.Cipher;
14 import org.webdocwf.util.smime.exception.SMIMEException;
15 import org.webdocwf.util.smime.exception.ErrorStorage;
18 /***
19 * AsymmetricEncryption class is used for asymmetric encryption of the small
20 * parts of data (for exsample to encrypt symmetric key genereted in the class
21 * SymmetricEncryption). Performed algorithm is RSA/ECB/PKCS1Padding.<BR>
22 *<BR>
23 * In order to create a Cipher object, the application calls the Cipher's
24 * getInstance method, and passes the name of the requested transformation to it.
25 * The name of a provider may be specified.
26 */
27 public class AsymmetricEncryption {
29 /***
30 * Container for encrypted value.
31 */
32 private byte[] encryptContent = null;
34 /***
35 * Container for decrypted value.
36 */
37 private byte[] decryptContent = null;
39 /***
40 * Default constructor
41 */
42 public AsymmetricEncryption() {}
44 /***
45 * Perform RSA encryption of the input byte array with the private or public key.
46 * @param key0 private or public key
47 * @param forEncrypt0 content for encryption
48 * @exception SMIMEException caused by non SMIMEException which can be one of
49 * the following: NoSuchPaddingException, NoSuchProviderException,
50 * NoSuchAlgorithmException, InvalidKeyException, BadPaddingException,
51 * IllegalBlockSizeException.
52 */
53 public void encryption(Key key0, byte[] forEncrypt0) throws SMIMEException {
54 try {
55 Cipher c = Cipher.getInstance("RSA/ECB/PKCS1Padding", "BC");
57 c.init(Cipher.ENCRYPT_MODE, key0);
58 encryptContent = c.doFinal(forEncrypt0);
59 } catch (Exception e) {
60 throw SMIMEException.getInstance(this, e, "encryption");
61 }
62 }
64 /***
65 * Returns encrypted value. To work properly encryption must be first performed.
66 * @return Encrypted value represented as byte array.
67 */
68 public byte[] getEncryptValue() {
69 return encryptContent;
70 }
72 /***
73 * Perform RSA decryption of the input byte array with the public or private key.
74 * @param key0 private or public key
75 * @param forDecrypt0 content for decryption
76 * @exception SMIMEException caused by non SMIMEException which can be one of the following:
77 * NoSuchPaddingException, NoSuchProviderException, NoSuchAlgorithmException,
78 * InvalidKeyException, BadPaddingException, IllegalBlockSizeException.
79 */
80 public void decryption(Key key0, byte[] forDecrypt0) throws SMIMEException {
81 try {
82 Cipher c = Cipher.getInstance("RSA/ECB/PKCS1Padding", "BC");
84 c.init(Cipher.DECRYPT_MODE, key0);
85 decryptContent = c.doFinal(forDecrypt0);
86 } catch (Exception e) {
87 throw SMIMEException.getInstance(this, e, "decryption");
88 }
89 }
91 /***
92 * Returns the decrypted value. To work properly, decryption must be first
93 * performed.
94 * @return Decrypted value represented as byte array.
95 */
96 public byte[] getDecryptValue() {
97 return decryptContent;
98 }
100 /***
101 * Resets (sets to null) all private attributes in the generated instance
102 * of the class.
103 */
104 void reset() {
105 encryptContent = null;
106 decryptContent = null;
107 }
108 }
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