Uses of Class

Packages that use SMIMEException

Uses of SMIMEException in org.webdocwf.util.smime.activation

Methods in org.webdocwf.util.smime.activation that throw SMIMEException
 void CMSEnvelopedDataSource.addRecipient( cert0)
          Adds recipient.
 byte[] CMSEnvelopedDataSource.getCMSEnvelopedObject()
          Returns complete DER encoded CMS Enveloped Object.
 byte[] CMSEnvelopedDataSource.getBASE64CMSEnvelopedObject()
          Returns complete DER encoded CMS Enveloped Object with BASE64 encoding
 void CMSSignedDataSource.setCapabilities(java.lang.String type0, int par10, int par20, int par30, int par40, int par50)
          Sets Capabilities Attributes (method is optional, but if exists, must be performed before addSigner method).
 void CMSSignedDataSource.addSigner( pfx0, boolean includingCert0, boolean includingSignAttrib0, java.lang.String signingAlg0)
          Adds Signer.
 void CMSSignedDataSource.addSigner([] chain0, privKey0, boolean includingCert0, boolean includingSignAttrib0, java.lang.String signingAlg0)
          Adds Signer.
 void CMSSignedDataSource.addCertificate( cert0)
          Adds the Certificate
 byte[] CMSSignedDataSource.getCMSSignedObject()
          Returns complete DER encoded CMS Signed Object
 byte[] CMSSignedDataSource.getBASE64CMSSignedObject()
          Returns complete DER encoded CMS Signed Object with BASE64 encoding

Constructors in org.webdocwf.util.smime.activation that throw SMIMEException
StreamDataSource( in0, java.lang.String fileName0)
          Constructs StreamDataSource with given input stream and coresponding string which contains virtual or real file name.
CMSEnvelopedDataSource(byte[] message0, java.lang.String algType0, int keyLength0)
          Constructs CMS object for encryption with MIME Message in form of byte array and with given values for encryption algorithm.
CMSEnvelopedDataSource(javax.mail.internet.MimeMessage message0, java.lang.String algType0, int keyLength0)
          Constructs CMS object for encryption with MIME Message in form of instance of MimeMessage class and with defined values for encryption algorithm.
CMSSignedDataSource(byte[] message0, boolean externalSignature0)
          Constructs CMS object for signing with Mime Message in form of byte array and with given value for type of CMSSignedDataSource (type of signing).
CMSSignedDataSource(javax.mail.internet.MimeMessage message0, boolean externalSignature0)
          Constructs CMS object for signing with Mime Message in form of instance of MimeMessage class and with given value for type of CMSSignedDataSource (type of signing).

Uses of SMIMEException in org.webdocwf.util.smime.cms

Methods in org.webdocwf.util.smime.cms that throw SMIMEException
 void Attribute.addContent(byte[] parameter0)
          Adding value to defined DER encoded attribute
 byte[] Attribute.getDEREncoded()
          Returns DER encoded attribute
 void EncapsulatedContentInfo.addContentType(byte[] contType0)
          Adds Content Type
 void EncapsulatedContentInfo.addEncapsulatedContent(byte[] cont0)
          Adds Encapsulated Content
 void SignerInfos.addSigner(byte[] message0, cert0, privKey0, SignedAttributes sAttr0, java.lang.String signedAlg0)
          Adds particular signer to SignerInfos.
 void RecipientInfos.addRecipient( cert0)
          Adds Recipient via Key Transport Recipient Infos.
 byte[] SignerIdentifier.getSignIdentifier()
          Returns DER encoded Signer Identifier
 void SignedAttributes.addSignedAttribute(byte[] content0)
          Adds DER encoded Signed attribute.
 byte[] SignedAttributes.getSignedAttribute()
          Returns DER encoded Signed attributes.
 void ContentInfo.addContentType(byte[] type0)
          Adds Content Type to Content Info
 void ContentInfo.addContent(byte[] cont0)
          Adds content to Content Info
 void RelativeDistinguishedName.setAttributeTypeAndValue(java.lang.String id0, java.lang.String typeConstruction0, java.lang.String value0)
          Sets type and value for particular attribute.
 void RelativeDistinguishedName.setAttributeTypeAndValue(int[] arrayID0, java.lang.String value0)
          Sets type and value for particular attribute.
 void IssuerName.addAllRelativeDN()
          Adds all Relative Distinguish Names from certificate to IssuerName
 int IssuerName.addParticularRelativeDN(java.lang.String id_at_type0)
          Adds particular Relative Distinguish Name from certificate to IssuerName.
 void Certificates.addCertificate( cert0)
          Adds X509 Certificate
 void DigestAlgorithmIdentifiers.addDigestAlgId(java.lang.String id0, java.lang.String typeConstruction0)
          Adds Digest Object Identifier to the instance of class DigestAlgorithmIdentifiers with no additional parameters.
 void DigestAlgorithmIdentifiers.addDigestAlgIdNullPar(java.lang.String id0, java.lang.String typeConstruction0)
          Adds Digest Object Identifier to the instance of class DigestAlgorithmIdentifiers with DER encoded null value for parameter.
 void DigestAlgorithmIdentifiers.addDigestAlgId(java.lang.String id0, java.lang.String typeConstruction0, byte[] algParam0)
          Adds Digest Object Identifier to the instance of class DigestAlgorithmIdentifiers with parameters represented as byte array.
 void DigestAlgorithmIdentifiers.addDigestAlgId(int[] arrayID0)
          Adds Digest Object Identifier to the instance of class DigestAlgorithmIdentifiers with no additional parameters.
 void DigestAlgorithmIdentifiers.addDigestAlgIdNullPar(int[] arrayID0)
          Adds Digest Object Identifier to the instance of class DigestAlgorithmIdentifiers with DER encoded null value for parameter.
 void DigestAlgorithmIdentifiers.addDigestAlgId(int[] arrayID0, byte[] algParam0)
          Adds Digest Object Identifier to the instance of class DigestAlgorithmIdentifiers with parameters represented as byte array.
 void AlgorithmIdentifier.addNullToAlgorithmId()
          Adds DERNull parameter to AlgorithmIdentifier
 void AlgorithmIdentifier.addParamToAlgorithmId(byte[] parameter0)
          Adds parameter to AlgorithmIdentifier
 void EncryptedContentInfo.addContentType(byte[] contType0)
          Adds Content Type
 void EncryptedContentInfo.addEncryptAlgorithmID(byte[] alg0)
          Adds Encrypted Algorithm Identifier
 void EncryptedContentInfo.addEncryptContent(byte[] cont0)
          Adds Encrypted Content
 void SignedData.addCMSVersion(byte[] ver0)
          Adds DER encoded CMS Version
 void SignedData.addDigestAlgorithm(byte[] digAlg0)
          Adds DER encoded Digest Algorithm Identifier
 void SignedData.addEncapsulatedContentInfo(byte[] encCont0)
          Adds DER encoded Encapsulated Content Info
 void SignedData.addCertificate(byte[] cert0)
          Adds DER encoded Certificate container with one or more X509 certificates
 void SignedData.addSignerInfos(byte[] info0)
          Adds DER encoded Signer Infos
 void KeyTransRecipientInfo.addRecipient( recip0)
          Adds recipient information.
 void EnvelopedData.addCMSVersion(byte[] ver0)
          Adds CMS Version.
 void EnvelopedData.addRecipientInfos(byte[] info0)
          Adds Recipient Infos.
 void EnvelopedData.addEncryptContentInfo(byte[] info0)
          Adds Encrypt Content Info.

Constructors in org.webdocwf.util.smime.cms that throw SMIMEException
Attribute(java.lang.String id0, java.lang.String typeOfAttribute0)
          This constructor has two different forms, depend on parameter typeConstruction0, which can be: DOT_SEPARATED_ARRAY or NAME_STRING.
Attribute(int[] arrayID0)
          Array of numbers is used for construction of desired attribute's DER Object Identifier.
CapabilitiesAttribute(java.lang.String[] capabilities0)
          Constructs capabilities from given list with information about algorithm
IssuerAndSerialNumber( cert0)
          Construction with information got from specific X509Certificate or from .cer file information which is extracted into instance of X509Certificate class
CMSVersion(int ver0)
          Construction is possible only for few discret integer values
Content(byte[] content0, boolean structured0)
          Constructs structured DER encoded object with tag Class Context Specific
          Constructs empty EncapsulatedContentInfo object.
          Constructs an empty SignerInfos container.
RecipientInfos(byte[] symKey0)
          Input information for all recipients is the same: symmetric key.
SignerIdentifier( cert0)
          Construction with information got from specific X509Certificate or from .cer file information which is extracted into instance of X509Certificate class
          Constructs structured DER encoded object with tag Class Context Specific
          Constructs empty Content Info.
CertificateSerialNumber(java.math.BigInteger integer0)
          Construction with BigInteger type of data as input.
CertificateSerialNumber( cert0)
          Construction by extracting serial number from X509 certificate
CertificateSerialNumber(long longNumb0)
          Construction with integer as input.
DESede3CBCParameter(byte[] iv0)
          Constructor takes IV (Initialization Vector) as byte array
          Signing time is taken from system clock, and is increased or decreased due to a time zone offset in order to implement Greenwich Mean Time.
RecipientIdentifier( cert0)
          Construction with information got from specific X509Certificate or from .cer file information which is extracted into instance of X509Certificate class
          Constructs empty RelativeDistinguishedName object.
RelativeDistinguishedName(java.lang.String id0, java.lang.String typeConstruction0, java.lang.String value0)
          Constructs specific RelativeDistinguishedName object according to id0.
RelativeDistinguishedName(int[] arrayID0, java.lang.String value0)
          Constructs specific RelativeDistinguishedName object according to arrayID0.
IssuerName( cert0)
          Construction with information got from specific X509Certificate or from .cer file information which is extracted into instance of X509Certificate class
RC2CBCParameter(int lenKey0, byte[] iv0)
          Constructor takes key length in bits and IV (Initialization Vector) as byte array
          Constructs structured DER encoded object with tag Class Context Specific
          Construction of empty container for Digest Algorithm Identifiers
ContentTypeAttribute(java.lang.String id0, java.lang.String typeConstruction0)
          This constructor has two different forms, depend on parameter typeConstruction0, which can be: DOT_SEPARATED_ARRAY or NAME_STRING.
ContentTypeAttribute(int[] arrayID0)
          Array of numbers is used for construction of desired attribute DER Object Identifier.
AlgorithmIdentifier(java.lang.String id0, java.lang.String typeConstruction0)
          This constructor has two different forms, depend on parameter typeConstruction0, which can be: DOT_SEPARATED_ARRAY or NAME_STRING.
AlgorithmIdentifier(int[] arrayID0)
          Array of numbers is used for construction of DERObjectIdentifier.
          Constructs empty Encrypted Content Info.
          Constructs an empty Signed Data
KeyTransRecipientInfo(byte[] symKey0)
          Symmetric key is only important parameter, other can be null.
ContentTypeIdentifier(java.lang.String id0, java.lang.String typeConstruction0)
          This constructor has two different forms, depend on parameter typeConstruction0, which can be: DOT_SEPARATED_ARRAY or NAME_STRING.
ContentTypeIdentifier(int[] arrayID0)
          Array of numbers is used for construction of desired attribute DER Object Identifier.
          Constructs empty Enveloped Data.
SignatureValue(byte[] forSigning0, key0, java.lang.String signAlg0)
          For creating signature values necessary information are: data for signing as byte array, type of signing algorithm, and private key for performing of asymmetric encryption.
EncryptedKey(byte[] encKey0)
          Constructs container for symmetric encryption key
MessageDigestAttribute(byte[] message0, java.lang.String digestAlg0)
          Performes construction and digesting of message in the same time

Uses of SMIMEException in org.webdocwf.util.smime.crypto

Methods in org.webdocwf.util.smime.crypto that throw SMIMEException
 void SymmetricEncryption.encryption(byte[] forEncrypt0)
          Encryption of the byte array with random generated key
 void SymmetricEncryption.encryption(byte[] forEncrypt0, byte[] simKey0)
          Encryption of the byte array with the given symmetric key
 void SymmetricEncryption.decryption(byte[] forDecrypt)
          Decription of the byte array with the symmetric key and IV previously generated by the process of encryption in the same session with the same object.
 void SymmetricEncryption.decryption(byte[] forDecrypt, byte[] simKey0, byte[] iv0)
          Decription of the byte array with the given symmetric key and initialization vector (IV)
 void AsymmetricEncryption.encryption( key0, byte[] forEncrypt0)
          Perform RSA encryption of the input byte array with the private or public key.
 void AsymmetricEncryption.decryption( key0, byte[] forDecrypt0)
          Perform RSA decryption of the input byte array with the public or private key.
static byte[] SigningProcessor.getSignature(byte[] forSigning0, key0, java.lang.String signAlg0)
          For creating signature values necessary information are: data for signing as byte array, type of signing algorithm, and private key for performing of asymmetric encryption.

Constructors in org.webdocwf.util.smime.crypto that throw SMIMEException
SymmetricEncryption(java.lang.String algorithmName0, int keyLength0)
          Construction with the given algorithm name and key size in bits.
Algorithm(java.lang.String algorithm0, int keySize0)
          Object construction with the given name of algorithm and key size in bits.

Uses of SMIMEException in org.webdocwf.util.smime.der

Methods in org.webdocwf.util.smime.der that throw SMIMEException
 byte[] DERObject.getDEREncoded()
          Returns DER encoded object
 byte[] DERObject.getContentOctets()
          Return content octets part from DER object.
 byte[] DERObject.getLengthOctets()
          Return length octets part from DER object.
protected  void DERSequencePr.addContent(byte[] content0)
          Adds content to DER encoded Sequence object
protected  void DERClassContextSpecificPr.addContent(byte[] content0)
          Adds content to DER encoded Context Specific Class Type
protected  void DERSetPr.addContent(byte[] content0)
          Adds content to DER encoded Set object
 void DERSequence.addContent(byte[] content0)
          Adds content to DER encoded Sequence object
 void DERClassContextSpecific.addContent(byte[] content0)
          Adds content to DER encoded Context Specific Class Type
 void DERSet.addContent(byte[] content0)
          Adds content to DER encoded Set object

Constructors in org.webdocwf.util.smime.der that throw SMIMEException
DERObject(int identifierOctet0)
          Creates DER Object with defined value for identifier octet.
DERObject(int identifierOctet0, byte[] content0)
          Creates DER Object with defined value for identifier octet and values of content octets
          Construction of an empty DER Sequence object
DERInteger(long integer0)
          Construction with the given integer value.
DERInteger(java.math.BigInteger integer0)
          Construction with the given BigInteger type of data.
DERClassContextSpecificPr(int type0, boolean structured0)
          Constructs the structured or primitive DERClassContextSpecificPr object
          Construction of an empty DER Set object
DEROctetString(byte[] octetsString0)
          Creates DER encoded byte array from input byte array
DERObjectIdentifier(java.lang.String id0, java.lang.String typeConstruction0)
          This constructor has two different forms, depend on parameter typeConstruction0, which can be: DOT_SEPARATED_ARRAY or NAME_STRING.
DERObjectIdentifier(int[] arrayID0)
          Array of numbers is used for construction of DERObjectIdentifier.
DERIA5String(java.lang.String s0)
          Constructs DERIA5String object with characters defined in the given String
DERIA5String(byte[] b0)
          Constructs DERIA5String object with characters defined in the given byte array
DERBoolean(boolean b0)
          Constructs the DER encoded boolean value
          Constructs DER encoded object for Null type in ASN.1 notation
DERBitString(java.lang.String bitStr0)
          Constructs DERBitString object from string which has only two values of his elements: 0 and 1
DERBitString(boolean[] bitsArray0)
          Constructs DERBitString object from boolean array which has only two values of his elements: true and false.
DERBitString(byte[] bitStr0, int unused0)
          Constructs DERBitString object from bits organised in bytes with information about last few unused bits.
DERBitString(byte[] bitStr0)
          Constructs bit string represented as byte array without information about unused bits (no bits are unused).
          Constructs UTC time according to user's current local settings (increased or decreased for time difference to obtain Greenwich Mean Time).
DERUTCTime(java.util.Date dat0)
          Constructs UTC time according to the submited information in Date class
DERUTCTime(java.util.GregorianCalendar cal0)
          Constructs UTC time according to submited information in GregorianCalendar class.
DERUTCTime(byte[] utcTime0)
          Constructs UTC time according to the definition of elements in byte array it the following form: YYMMDDhhmmssZ
DERUTCTime(java.lang.String utcTime0)
          Constructs UTC time according to the definition of elements in String it the following form: YYMMDDhhmmssZ
DERPrintableString(java.lang.String s0)
          Constructs DERPrintableString object with characters defined in the given String
DERPrintableString(byte[] b0)
          Constructs DERPrintableString object with characters defined in the given byte array
          Construction of an empty DER Sequence object
DERClassContextSpecific(int type0, boolean structured0)
          Constructs the structured or primitive DERClassContextSpecific object
          Construction of an empty DER Set object

Uses of SMIMEException in org.webdocwf.util.smime.exception

Methods in org.webdocwf.util.smime.exception that return SMIMEException
 SMIMEException SMIMEIOException.getSMIMEException()
          Gets stored SMIMEException object.
static SMIMEException SMIMEException.getInstance(java.lang.Object obj0, java.lang.Exception e0, java.lang.String method0)
          Static metod which constructs and returns SMIMEException object with the given object, exception, and name of method inside which this method is called.

Constructors in org.webdocwf.util.smime.exception with parameters of type SMIMEException
SMIMEIOException(SMIMEException exception0)
          Construction with SMIMEException object as parameter.

Uses of SMIMEException in org.webdocwf.util.smime.mail

Methods in org.webdocwf.util.smime.mail that throw SMIMEException
static javax.mail.internet.MimeMultipart MultipartGenerator.getHtmlMultipart( content0)
          Returns created MimeMultipart for text/html message with html code given through InputStream.
static javax.mail.internet.MimeMultipart MultipartGenerator.getHtmlMultipart( content0, java.lang.String path0,[] resources0)
          Returns created MimeMultipart for text/html message with html code given through InputStream, path for resolving relative path of resources defined in html code and array of resources given through InputStream.

Uses of SMIMEException in org.webdocwf.util.smime.smime

Methods in org.webdocwf.util.smime.smime that throw SMIMEException
 void SignedAndEnvelopedSMIME.setContent(java.lang.String content, java.lang.String type, java.lang.String path,[] resources)
          Sets message content.
 void SignedAndEnvelopedSMIME.setContent( content, java.lang.String type, java.lang.String path,[] resources)
          Sets message content from InputStream.
 void SignedAndEnvelopedSMIME.setContent( content, java.lang.String type)
          Sets message content from InputStream.
 void SignedAndEnvelopedSMIME.setContent(java.lang.String content, java.lang.String type)
          Sets message content from String.
 void SignedAndEnvelopedSMIME.setContent( inFile, java.lang.String type)
          Sets message content from file represented by File object.
 void SignedAndEnvelopedSMIME.setReply(java.lang.String replyAddress)
          Sets REPLY TO field in message header
 void SignedAndEnvelopedSMIME.addRecipient(java.lang.String recipientAddress, java.lang.String type, java.lang.String cerFileName)
          Adds recipient address, type and .cer file of email recipient to signed and enveloped S/MIME message.
 void SignedAndEnvelopedSMIME.addAttachment(java.lang.String fileName)
          Adds file as attachment to email message
 void SignedAndEnvelopedSMIME.addAttachment( file)
          Adds file as attachment to email message
 void SignedAndEnvelopedSMIME.addAttachment( data, java.lang.String fileName)
          Adds data from InputStream as attachment to email message
 void SignedAndEnvelopedSMIME.setCapabilities(java.lang.String type0, int par10, int par20, int par30, int par40, int par50)
          Sets Capabilities Attributes (method is optional, but if exists, must be performed before addSigner method).
 void SignedAndEnvelopedSMIME.addSigner(java.lang.String pfxfileName, java.lang.String password, java.lang.String signingAlg, boolean includingCert, boolean includingSignAttrib)
          Adds signer to signed and enveloped S/MIME message.
 void SignedAndEnvelopedSMIME.signingAndEnveloping(java.lang.String type)
          Signes and envelopes message with default algorithm RC2, 40 bits
 void SignedAndEnvelopedSMIME.signingAndEnveloping(java.lang.String algorithmName, int keyLength, java.lang.String type)
          Signes and envelopes message with given algorithm name and key length
 void EnvelopedSMIME.setContent(java.lang.String content, java.lang.String type, java.lang.String path,[] resources)
          Sets message content.
 void EnvelopedSMIME.setContent( content, java.lang.String type, java.lang.String path,[] resources)
          Sets message content from InputStream.
 void EnvelopedSMIME.setContent( content, java.lang.String type)
          Sets message content from InputStream.
 void EnvelopedSMIME.setContent(java.lang.String content, java.lang.String type)
          Sets message content from String.
 void EnvelopedSMIME.setContent( inFile, java.lang.String type)
          Sets message content from file represented by File object.
 void EnvelopedSMIME.setReply(java.lang.String replyAddress)
          Sets REPLY TO field in message header
 void EnvelopedSMIME.addRecipient(java.lang.String recipientAddress, java.lang.String type, java.lang.String cerFileName)
          Adds recipient address, type and .cer file of email recipient to encrypted message.
 void EnvelopedSMIME.addAttachment(java.lang.String fileName)
          Adds file as attachment to email message
 void EnvelopedSMIME.addAttachment( file)
          Adds file as attachment to email message
 void EnvelopedSMIME.addAttachment( data, java.lang.String fileName)
          Adds data from InputStream as attachment to email message
 void EnvelopedSMIME.enveloping()
          Envelopes message with default algorithm RC2_CBC, 40 bits
 void EnvelopedSMIME.enveloping(java.lang.String algorithmName, int keyLength)
          Envelopes message with given algorithm name and key length
 void SignedSMIME.setContent(java.lang.String content, java.lang.String type, java.lang.String path,[] resources)
          Sets message content.
 void SignedSMIME.setContent( content, java.lang.String type, java.lang.String path,[] resources)
          Sets message content from InputStream.
 void SignedSMIME.setContent( content, java.lang.String type)
          Sets message content from InputStream.
 void SignedSMIME.setContent(java.lang.String content, java.lang.String type)
          Sets message content from String.
 void SignedSMIME.setContent( inFile, java.lang.String type)
          Sets message content from file represented by File object.
 void SignedSMIME.setReply(java.lang.String replyAddress)
          Sets REPLY TO field in message header
 void SignedSMIME.addRecipient(java.lang.String recipientAddress, java.lang.String type)
          Adds recipient address, type and .cer file of email recipient.
 void SignedSMIME.addAttachment(java.lang.String fileName)
          Adds file as attachment to email message
 void SignedSMIME.addAttachment( file)
          Adds file as attachment to email message
 void SignedSMIME.addAttachment( data, java.lang.String fileName)
          Adds data from InputStream as attachment to email message
 void SignedSMIME.setCapabilities(java.lang.String type0, int par10, int par20, int par30, int par40, int par50)
          Sets Capabilities Attributes (method is optional, but if exists, must be performed before addSigner method).
 void SignedSMIME.addSigner(java.lang.String pfxfileName, java.lang.String password, java.lang.String signingAlg, boolean includingCert, boolean includingSignAttrib)
          Adds signer to signed S/MIME message
 void SignedSMIME.signing()
          Creates and signes the message with default implicit signing.
 void SignedSMIME.signing(boolean externalSignature)
          Creates and signes the message

Constructors in org.webdocwf.util.smime.smime that throw SMIMEException
SignedAndEnvelopedSMIME(java.lang.String smtpHost, java.lang.String fromAddress, java.lang.String subject, java.lang.String content)
          Initializes the JavaMail session for SMTP and MimeMessage for signing.
SignedAndEnvelopedSMIME(java.lang.String smtpHost, java.lang.String fromAddress, java.lang.String subject)
          Initializes the JavaMail session for SMTP and MimeMessage for signing.
EnvelopedSMIME(java.lang.String smtpHost, java.lang.String fromAddress, java.lang.String subject, java.lang.String content)
          Initializes the JavaMail session for SMTP and the MimeMessage for encryption.
EnvelopedSMIME(java.lang.String smtpHost, java.lang.String fromAddress, java.lang.String subject)
          Initializes the JavaMail session for SMTP and the MimeMessage for encryption.
SignedSMIME(java.lang.String smtpHost, java.lang.String fromAddress, java.lang.String subject, java.lang.String content)
          Initializes the JavaMail session for SMTP and MimeMessage for signing.
SignedSMIME(java.lang.String smtpHost, java.lang.String fromAddress, java.lang.String subject)
          Initializes the JavaMail session for SMTP and MimeMessage for signing.

Uses of SMIMEException in org.webdocwf.util.smime.test

Methods in org.webdocwf.util.smime.test that throw SMIMEException ExampleGenerator.getZipStream()
          Returns zip file generated by program as ByteArrayInputStream

Uses of SMIMEException in org.webdocwf.util.smime.util

Methods in org.webdocwf.util.smime.util that throw SMIMEException
static byte[] MimeAssist.messageConvertor(javax.mail.internet.MimeMessage message0)
          Converts email messages, previously composed in Java MimeMessage object, to byte array suitable for later processing within CMS object.
static java.lang.String MimeAssist.messageStringConvertor(javax.mail.internet.MimeMessage message0)
          Converts email messages, previously composed in Java MimeMessage object, to String suitable for later criptographic processing.
static java.lang.String MimeAssist.generateID()
          Generates value for Content-ID MIME header line which is used in construction of multipart/related type of MimeMessage.
static javax.activation.MimetypesFileTypeMap MimeAssist.getFileTypeMap(java.lang.String path0)
          Returns object of class MimetypesFileTypeMap generated by using data stored in the given file.
static java.lang.String MimeAssist.getMimeTypeFromFileName( file0, java.lang.String mimeFile0)
          Returns mime-type for given file name and extension.
static java.lang.String MimeAssist.getMimeTypeFromFileName(java.lang.String file0, java.lang.String mimeFile0)
          Returns mime-type for given file name and extension.
static java.lang.String MimeAssist.getStringBASE64WithBreakOn76(byte[] b0)
          Returns BASE64 encoded String with the break at the 76th character.
static byte[] MimeAssist.getBASE64WithBreakOn76(byte[] b0)
          Returns BASE64 encoded byte array with the break at the 76th character.
static java.lang.String MimeAssist.getStringBASE64WithBreakOn76(java.lang.String s0)
          Returns BASE64 encoded String with the break at the 76th character.
static byte[] MimeAssist.getBASE64WithBreakOn76(java.lang.String s0)
          Returns BASE64 encoded byte array with the break at the 76th character.
static java.lang.String MimeAssist.getStringBASE64WithBreak(byte[] b0, int breakPosition0)
          Returns BASE64 encoded String with the break at the defined character.
static byte[] MimeAssist.getBASE64WithBreak(byte[] b0, int breakPosition0)
          Returns BASE64 encoded byte array with the break at the defined character.
static java.lang.String MimeAssist.getStringBASE64WithBreak(java.lang.String s0, int breakPosition0)
          Returns BASE64 encoded String with the break at the defined character.
static byte[] MimeAssist.getBASE64WithBreak(java.lang.String s0, int breakPosition0)
          Returns BASE64 encoded byte array with the break at the defined character.
static byte[] ConvertAssist.inStreamToByteArray( in0)
          Reads data from input stream into the byte array.
static java.lang.String ConvertAssist.readFileToString( file0)
          Reads data from file into the String.
static byte[] ConvertAssist.readFileToByteArray( file0)
          Reads data from file into the byte array.
 java.lang.String HtmlAnalyzer.getHtmlText()
          Returns html/text document passed throught JTidy html parser.
static PFXUtils.getPFXOwnerX509Certificate( ks0)
          Returns the owner's Certificate from his .pfx or .p12 file (KeyStore)
static PFXUtils.getPrivateKey( ks0)
          Returns the Private key of the certificate's owner from .pfx or .p12 file (pkcs12 format)
static[] PFXUtils.getAllX509Certificate( ks0)
          Returns all X509 Certificates stored in .pfx, or .p12 files (KeyStore).
static[] PFXUtils.getCertificateChain( ks0)
          Returns all X509 Certificates stored in .pfx, or .p12 files (KeyStore).

Constructors in org.webdocwf.util.smime.util that throw SMIMEException
HtmlAnalyzer( content0)
          Constructs HtmlAnalyzer from data given from InputStream.
HtmlAnalyzer( content0, java.lang.String path0)
          Constructs HtmlAnalyzer from data given from InputStream.
ByteArrayComparator(byte[] toFind0, byte[] lookUpArray0)
          Construction with the given byte arrays (first is being searched in the second (lookup) byte array)

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