Uses of Class

Packages that use DERObject

Uses of DERObject in org.webdocwf.util.smime.cms

Subclasses of DERObject in org.webdocwf.util.smime.cms
 class AlgorithmIdentifier
          AlgorithmIdentifier class is DER encoded Algorithm identifier represented in ASN.1 notation according to RFC2630.

AlgorithmIdentifier ::= SEQUENCE {
algorithm AlgorithmIdentifier,
parameters ANY DEFINED BY algorithm OPTIONAL }

AlgorithmIdentifier ::= OBJECT IDENTIFIER
 class Attribute
          Attribute class is super class for all DER encoded attributes represented in ASN.1 notation according to RFC2630.
 class CapabilitiesAttribute
          Capabilities which this class can indicate are capabilities of symetric encryption algorithm: DES_EDE3_CBC, RC2_CBC with 128bit key, RC2_CBC with 64bit key, DES and RC2_CBC with 40bit key.
 class Certificates
          Certificates class is DER encoded container, represented in ASN.1 notation according to RFC2630, for storing X509 certificates or for storing certificates chain in CMS object of signed message.

certificates [0] IMPLICIT CertificateSet OPTIONAL
 class CertificateSerialNumber
          CertificateSerialNumber class is DER encoded integer represented in ASN.1 notation according to RFC2630.

CertificateSerialNumber ::= INTEGER
 class CMSVersion
          CMSVersion class is DER encoded integer represented in ASN.1 notation according to RFC2630.

CMSVersion ::= INTEGER { v0(0), v1(1), v2(2), v3(3), v4(4) }
 class Content
          Content class is DER encoded container, represented in ASN.1 notation according to RFC2630, used for storing contents of CMS object.

content [0] EXPLICIT ANY DEFINED BY contentType
 class ContentInfo
          ContentInfo class is DER encoded content info represented in ASN.1 notation according to RFC2630.
 class ContentTypeAttribute
          Content Type Attribute is Signed Attribute and is used for creating CMS objects for signed messages.
 class ContentTypeIdentifier
          ContentTypeIdentifier class is DER encoded Content Type Identifier represented in ASN.1 notation according to RFC2630.

 class DESede3CBCParameter
          DESede3CBCParameter is parameter used in Content Encryption Algorithm Identifier in CMS object for encrypted message, for DES_EDE3_CBC and DES algorithms.
 class DigestAlgorithmIdentifiers
          DigestAlgorithmIdentifiers class is DER encoded set of Digest Algorithm Identifiers represented in ASN.1 notation according to RFC2630.
 class EncapsulatedContentInfo
          EncapsulatedContentInfo class is DER encoded content info represented in ASN.1 notation according to RFC2630.
 class EncryptedContentInfo
          EncryptedContentInfo class is DER encoded Encrypted Content Info represented in ASN.1 notation according to RFC2630.
 class EncryptedKey
          EncryptedKey class is DER encoded Octet string represented in ASN.1 notation according to RFC2630.

EncryptedKey ::= OCTET STRING
 class EnvelopedData
          EnvelopedData is DER encoded container for information represented in ASN.1 notation according to RFC2630, used for construction CMS object of encrypted message.

EnvelopedData ::= SEQUENCE {
version CMSVersion,
originatorInfo [0] IMPLICIT OriginatorInfo OPTIONAL,
recipientInfos RecipientInfos,
encryptedContentInfo EncryptedContentInfo,
unprotectedAttrs [1] IMPLICIT UnprotectedAttributes OPTIONAL }
 class IssuerAndSerialNumber
          IssuerAndSerialNumber class is DER encoded object represented in ASN.1 notation according to RFC2630.
 class IssuerName
          IssuerName class is DER encoded object represented in ASN.1 notation according to RFC2630.
 class KeyTransRecipientInfo
          KeyTransRecipientInfo class is DER encoded object represented in ASN.1 notation according to RFC2630.
 class MessageDigestAttribute
          MessageDigestAttribute is Signed Attribute and is used for creating CMS object for signed messages.
 class RC2CBCParameter
          RC2CBCParameter is parameter used in Content Encryption Algorithm Identifier in CMS object for encrypted message, for RC2_CBC algorithms.
 class RecipientIdentifier
          Look for details in super class (IssuerAndSerialNumber).
 class RecipientInfos
          RecipientInfos class is DER encoded container, represented in ASN.1 notation according to RFC2630, used for storing individual information needed for all recipients of encrypted message.
 class RelativeDistinguishedName
          RelativeDistinguishedName class is DER encoded container represented in ASN.1 notation according to RFC2630.
 class SignatureValue
          SignatureValue class is DER encoded octet string for holding signature values represented in ASN.1 notation according to RFC2630.

SignatureValue ::= OCTET STRING
 class SignedAttributes
          SignedAttributes class is DER encoded container for holding particular signed attributes represented in ASN.1 notation according to RFC2630.

signedAttrs [0] IMPLICIT SignedAttributes OPTIONAL

SignedAttributes ::= SET SIZE (1..MAX) OF Attribute

Attribute ::= SEQUENCE {
attrValues SET OF AttributeValue }


attrValues ::= SET OF AttributeValue

AttributeValue ::= ANY
 class SignedData
          SignedData is DER encoded container for information represented in ASN.1 notation according to RFC2630, used for construction CMS objects of signed messages.

SignedData ::= SEQUENCE {
version CMSVersion,
digestAlgorithms DigestAlgorithmIdentifiers,
encapContentInfo EncapsulatedContentInfo,
certificates [0] IMPLICIT CertificateSet OPTIONAL,
crls [1] IMPLICIT CertificateRevocationLists OPTIONAL,
signerInfos SignerInfos }
 class SignerIdentifier
          Look for details in super class (IssuerAndSerialNumber).
 class SignerInfos
          SignerInfos class is DER encoded container, represented in ASN.1 notation according to RFC2630, used for storing individual information about each signer of the signed message.
 class SigningTimeAttribute
          Signing Time Attribute is signed attribute and it is used in creating CMS objects for signed messages.

Uses of DERObject in org.webdocwf.util.smime.der

Subclasses of DERObject in org.webdocwf.util.smime.der
 class DERBitString
          DERBitString is primitive type of DER encoded object which represents bit string (array of bits) in ASN.1 notation.
 class DERBoolean
          DERInteger is primitive type of DER encoded object which represents boolean value in ASN.1 notation.
 class DERClassContextSpecific
          DERClassContextSpecific can be both, primitive or structured type of DER encoded object with the context-specific class tag (part of object Identifier Octet) in ASN.1 notation.
 class DERClassContextSpecificPr
          DERClassContextSpecificPr can be both, primitive or structured type of DER encoded object with the context-specific class tag (part of object Identifier Octet) in ASN.1 notation.
 class DERIA5String
          DERIA5String is primitive type of DER encoded object for one of different forms for representing character string type in ASN.1 notation.
 class DERInteger
          DERInteger is primitive type of DER encoded object which represents integer value in ASN.1 notation.
 class DERNull
          DERNull is primitive type of DER encoded object for Null type in ASN.1 notation.
 class DERObjectIdentifier
          DERObjectIdentifier is primitive type of DER encoded object which represents Object Identifier type in ASN.1 notation.
 class DEROctetString
          DEROctetString is primitive type of DER encoded object for representation of the octet strings (array of bytes) in ASN.1 notation.
 class DERPrintableString
          DERPrintableString is primitive type of DER encoded object for one of different forms for representing character string type in ASN.1 notation.
 class DERSequence
          DERSequence is structured type of DER encoded object representing DER encoded SEQUENCE or SEQUENCE OF tag type in ASN.1 notation.
 class DERSequencePr
          DERSequencePr is structured type of DER encoded object representing DER encoded SEQUENCE or SEQUENCE OF tag type in ASN.1 notation.
 class DERSet
          DERSet is structured type of DER encoded object representing DER encoded SET or SET OF tag type in ASN.1 notation.
 class DERSetPr
          DERSet is structured type of DER encoded object representing DER encoded SET or SET OF tag type in ASN.1 notation.
 class DERUTCTime
          DERUTCTime is primitive type of DER encoded object which represents Coordinate Universal Time (or Greenwich Mean Time) in the ASN.1 notation in format YYMMDDhhmmssZ.

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